
The 5-Week CICO Challenge

5 Weeks x 3 Numbers = Success


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CICO Guidelines

Weight loss isn't easy, but it is pretty simple!

CICO stands for Calories In, Calories Out.

If you consistently consume fewer calories than you burn, your weight will decrease over time.

Daily Calorie Deficit = (calories burned per day) - (calories consumed per day)

1 pound of fat contains about 3500 calories, so...

... a 500 calorie/day average deficit results in a 1 lb/week weight loss. (3500 calorie deficit in 1 week)

... a 1000 calorie/day average deficit results in a 2 lb/week weight loss. (7000 calorie deficit in 1 week)

How much can you lose in 5 weeks?

What do you weigh?

What is your average daily calorie deficit goal?

If your starting weight is _______ pounds

and you average _______ calorie/day deficit,

in 5 weeks you will weigh _______ pounds.

Ready to lose weight? Click here to start! Signup

Want to see a completed example? Click here! See Example
